Recall what life was like in middle school. For most people, the hardest times might include occasionally being left out or perhaps receiving a bad grade on a project. Now imagine what life would be like in middle school if you were HIV+. Imagine what it would be like if everyone knew. Imagine being relentlessly bullied.
For Paige Rawl, this was no hypothetical situation.
Paige, now 18 years old, grew up in Indianapolis and was born
HIV+. Her mother contracted the disease from her father, and it was
passed down to Paige. However, she didn’t know that she had the disease until
she was 12 years old.
It was around this time that Paige decided to open up to a friend.
“I told my best friend in sixth grade that I was HIV+,” said Paige.
“She told her older sister, and it spread throughout the entire school.”
That’s when everything started to fall apart. Paige was nicknamed
“PAIDS” and was harassed by children and adults alike. Eventually it became too
much, and she decided to switch to homeschooling. “I went through a lot of
bullying because of the stigma associated with being HIV+,” she said.
While she was being homeschooled, Paige decided it was time to take
a stand and educate others on the disease in hopes of helping other children
cope. “Now I do a lot of public speaking, advocacy, and education programs to
raise awareness,” said Paige.
Though the stigma still exists, the number of programs that address
the issue of HIV/AIDS is growing. The Indianapolis based nonprofit The Damien
Center works to empower those affected by HIV/AIDS and to prevent the spread of
HIV. Jameson Camp, a nonprofit organization on the west
side of Indianapolis, has a week-long camp for children impacted by the
disease. The Tataya Mato program is the only week-long camp
in the state of Indiana for children dealing with HIV.
Last summer, Paige shared her story with the Tataya Mato campers. “Growing up, I didn’t know a lot of people
who were HIV+ and dealing with the same issues as me,” said Paige. “A
program like Tataya Mato gives children the opportunity to meet others like
them. It makes them feel like they aren’t alone.”
Paige is currently a finalist in Seventeen Magazine’s “Pretty Amazing” competition, a contest in which participants submitted essays
highlighting their accomplishments. According to Paige, 30,000 girls
entered and only five were named finalists. The winner of the contest
receives a $10,000 scholarship and will appear on the cover of the October
issue of Seventeen. The winner will be announced in September.
Paige plans to attend Ball State University in the fall, and she
also plans to continue her work educating others and raising awareness about
HIV/AIDS. “Just because you are HIV+ doesn’t mean you should be held
back,” she said. “It doesn’t define who you are.”