With Dining Out for Life closing in on less than three months away, we're gearing up for the main event around here. Restaurants are signing up, sponsors are hopping on board, posters are being designed--the fundraising and marketing team is abuzz with anticipation over what's sure to be our best Dining Out yet.
Why do we say that? Well, last year, Indy's largest dining fundraiser (that's us, Dining Out for Life) raised $68,000, an incredible number that resulted from the commitment of 40+ restaurants, dozens of volunteers, and thousands of diners who went out on the town to fight AIDS. This year, our 19th Dining Out for Life locally, we hope to top that number. More restaurants, more volunteers, and more diners all add up to increased support for our clients and the services we offer. Ambassadors play a key role in helping to make Dining Out for Life a success and in raising money to support Damien Center clients and services.
So what's an Ambassador's commitment? You'll help us promote the event, build our relationship with your assigned restaurant, prepare the restaurant for success by delivering materials to them, and make the Dining Out for Life night especially meaningful for diners and the restaurant. In total, your commitment will consist of a four- to five-hour restaurant shift on April 25, one two-hour training, and time spent promoting your restaurant during the month of April.
Currently, our Ambassador Trainings will take place on the following dates, but if you'd like to volunteer and can't make one of these work, we'd like to work with you on additional sessions.
- Saturday, March 30, 2013; 10am-12pm
- Wednesday, April 3, 2013; 10am-12 pm
- Wednesday, April 3, 2013; 6pm-8pm
- Tuesday, April 9, 2013; 6pm-8 pm
Please help us make sure that no one faces AIDS alone by Dining Out for Life!