In the past month, we have been fortunate to have new hires to help with our expanding programs. We'd like to welcome Ronny, and Jeremy to the Damien family! For more information about these individuals, please visit our staff page.
Ronny deLuna:
Ronny has a background in administration and patient relations. He is fluent in Spanish and often serves as a translator for the departments he works for. Having worked with the MCHD and Wishard hospital, Ronny is eager to offer his experience to The Damien Center and its clients as the Administrative Assistant.
Ronny enjoys spending his free time with his partner, family and friends.
Jeremy Turner:
Jeremy serves as the Client Services Enrichment Coordinator. In the new position, Jeremy will oversee operations in the Damien Center's Coby Palmer Food Pantry, plan and execute client-centered events, and work closely with the Client Service Committee to ensure the ongoing collaboration between the Damien Center and its client base.
Jeremy comes to the Damien Center from other AIDS service organizations in Southern Indiana (AIDS Resource Group) and Western Kentucky (Matthew 25 AIDS Services.) Jeremy is a former Prevention Program Coordinator, Red Cross HIV 101 Instructor, certified Indiana HIV Testing Counselor, “Street Smart” certified program facilitator, “Many Men, Many Voices” certified program facilitator and a recipient of community awards and accolades relating to his youth-based HIV and Substance Use prevention programs. In addition to prevention efforts, Jeremy has experience in grant writing, event/ fundraiser planning and agency food pantry operations.
Recently having relocated to Indianapolis from Evansville, Jeremy looks forward to using his background to help enhance Damien Center clients’ overall experience at the agency. In his free time Jeremy enjoys jogging, playing the piano and performing. Be sure to stop by his new office in the food pantry to say “hello!”